The single player campaign and built-in story takes us back to the last days of World War II, or specifically, "The Battle of Berlin". However, it turns out that this game is more of an altered re-make of the 2005 version, but developed for the PS3/Xbox 360 graphics engines. On starting up the game, I was expecting Sniper Elite V2 to be the highly anticipated sequel, with V2 indicating part 2. Using real world physics, Sniper Elite on PlayStation 2 revolutionized FPS gaming by making the gamer calculate where the bullet will hit, before squeezing down on the trigger. Back in 2005, developers Rebellion and Ubisoft proved just that and broke new ground in the way gamers handled a high powered sniper rifle. Easier said than done A real sniper will tell you that it's not as simple as aligning the cross-hair of a rifle scope on a target's head and expecting 100% accuracy with every shot.

Relating that viewpoint to the world of digital gaming, ask any avid FPS (first person shooter) gamer and they will tell you that a sniper rifle is THE Holy Grail. The delivery of competent and enthralling gameplay was effective enough that the weaknesses we found were hardly roadblocks to enjoyment.Ask any army general and you will be told that a well placed sniper is the army's deadliest weapon, capable of changing the direction of the war at the cost of just a few accurately fired shots. Sniper Elite V2 is a prime example of how a streamlined take on a singular gaming concept can result in something great, even if its got a bit of clunk to it.
Guns blazing should be a last resort, but ultimately, how you play will depend on how you configure the difficulty settings - a few preset, plus 27 possible customizable configurations, affecting everything from realism to bullet trajectory and wind resistance – which ensures that whether you just want big kills or you want conditions closer to the real-world, you’ve got options. If you want to enjoy the intensity of creeping around and pulling off gruesome shots, color within the lines.

If you want to kill your buzz, run and gun. If you attempt to, you’ll discover not only how important sniping is, but frankly, how much the other elements just aren’t sustainable as a third-person action shooter. It’s not designed around playing Gears of War-style. While the core mechanics are reliable enough to run and gun (you do carry an SMG, though ammo is scarce), the game’s joy comes from careful, cautious play. You are one man against two armies, and it always feels that way. You don’t have a silenced sniper rifle, but you do have stones for distraction, a short-range silenced pistol, and of course, the ability to snap necks from behind.Ĭombining that tension of sneaking and the pressure of a single make-or-break shot makes V2 emotionally intense. Maintaining stealth is crucial en route to each objective or vantage point. But don’t assume V2 is all scoped shooting half of your time will be spent slinking in the shadows.